survey – University Health Services – UW–Madison Promote, Protect and Restore Health & Well-Being Mon, 09 May 2022 13:33:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 survey – University Health Services – UW–Madison 32 32 UW–Madison participates in Healthy Minds Study Mon, 04 Apr 2022 13:20:32 +0000 University of Wisconsin – Madison is participating in the Healthy Minds Study to better understand current students’ mental health and wellbeing. The survey, which was also administered at UW-Madison in 2019 and 2016, will provide a valuable snapshot of our campus climate and students’ experiences that will shape strategies, policies, programs, and services to better support student mental health. Half of all students are invited via email to take the survey now through May 2nd.

It is more important than ever that students complete the survey this year. Since our last participation, our campus has collectively experienced the COVID-19 pandemic. Emerging data already shows the serious mental toll the pandemic has taken on college students. The Healthy Minds Survey will localize our understanding of current UW-Madison student mental health needs, disparities, and perceptions of campus climate.

When our campus last participated in 2019, we learned that there are disparities in perception of campus climate for students with marginalized identities – including race or ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and students experiencing financial stress. Further, our 2019 findings showed an increase in mental health concerns including depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Yet simultaneously, our campus also found an increase in the use of therapy from the prior survey in 2016.

Findings from the Healthy Minds Survey prompt changes to important programs and services for students. 2019 results showed that 31 percent of students screened positive for depression and 27 percent of students screened positive for anxiety. As a result, University Health Services (UHS) increased mental health staffing capacity to better meet the demand for services. The survey results also supported the development of new trainings for UW-Madison faculty, staff and students to recognize and intervene when students are in mental distress.

“The Healthy Minds Survey is critical to our understanding of student mental health needs on campus,” says Sarah Nolan, Director of Mental Health Services at UHS. “The University takes results from this survey seriously in assessing and improving the services we provide to students. We encourage all students who are invited to participate in the survey to take the time and fill it out.”

Students are invited to participate in the Healthy Minds Survey over email. The survey is open from April 3 through May 2. Results will be analyzed in the coming months and shared widely with campus.

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UW-Madison to participate in the NCHA survey Tue, 09 Mar 2021 14:17:20 +0000 University Health Services is partnering with the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) to survey a randomly selected group of UW-Madison students about their health behaviors, risks, and needs.

Information about the survey is available here: UW-Madison previously participated in this survey in 2015 and 2018.

Student responses will help guide the improvement and equity of policies, programs, and services that promote health and well-being for UW–Madison students and the campus community.

“At UHS, we are committed to ensuring that we build and improve services that increase the health and well-being of our campus community,” says Courtney Blomme, Associate Director of Quality, Evaluation, and Assessment. “This survey is one way we can intentionally reach out to our students and understand things like the COVID-19 pandemic affected our students and if students feel like UW-Madison supports their wellbeing. Most importantly, we will use these survey results as a starting point for action. This includes having discussions with campus groups and within UHS to identify gaps in our services that need addressed and places where improvements need to be made.”

Approximately one in four UW-Madison students will be invited to participate in the survey, including all students of color. Invited students will receive an email on March 15. The survey is open until March 29.

“This year, we are intentionally reaching out to the majority of our BIPOC students to ensure that their voices are heard,” says Blomme.

Student participation is voluntary and confidential. Results from this survey will be shared broadly with campus this summer.

Results from UW-Madison’s 2018 participation led to UW System President Tommy Thompson proposing a $10 million increase in funding for behavioral health across the UW System, with an emphasis on increasing counseling and psychiatry staffing and diversifying staffing based on trends from NCHA survey data.  

The survey will take 20 to 30 minutes to complete. After completing the survey, students will have the option to enter to be eligible for more than $2,500 worth of prizes.

