study strong – University Health Services – UW–Madison Promote, Protect and Restore Health & Wellbeing Fri, 09 Aug 2024 15:59:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 study strong – University Health Services – UW–Madison 32 32 Study Strong, Badgers! Thu, 07 May 2020 14:27:41 +0000 It’s that time of year again: finals time!

We know you can all relate when we say the semester has flown right by, and if you feel like you haven’t even had the chance to catch your breath before finals, you’re not alone.  It’s time for everyone on campus to start strategizing and preparing for that last hurdle before summer break.

Skip the all-nighters

If you’re already planning to stock up on coffee and energy drinks in anticipation for a couple all-nighters, know that there are much better recipes for success than caffeine, sugar, and marathon study sessions. Overloading your noggin, forgetting to take breaks, and tiring yourself out will actually compromise qualities like concentration and alertness needed to perform well on an exam. Being deprived of rest can even weaken your immune system, and we know the last thing you want is to bring down a semester’s worth of hard work because you’re too sick to sit an exam.

Caffeine can help fuel your studies, but be careful. It can also disrupt the quality of your sleep.

With this in mind, instead of being that person whose idea of a slumber party means cramming at College Library, remember that a healthy balance of effective studying and sufficient sleep is the way to go. Aim to get enough sleep because it provides clarity, restores energy, and helps you perform tasks better with a good mood throughout the day. Sleep also happens to strengthen the neural connections that form your memory, helping you recall new information better.

Study breaks

Believe it or not, this isn’t an impossible feat to achieve!  Don’t leave important studying to the last minute because let’s face it – cramming ≠ concentration. If during any of your study sessions you feel as though you’ve hit a brick wall and can’t seem to focus, there are several quick-fixes you can do to rejuvenate yourself.

Set an alarm to wake you from a refreshing 10-20-minute power nap, or take an effective study break! There are plenty of things you could do, from five-minute dance breaks or yoga in the living room, to playing your favorite power-up anthem and using the duration of that song to organize your work space. Additionally, you may find that closing your books, switching your phone off, and finding a quiet space to just breathe and collect yourself can do wonders.

However you plan to tackle finals week, strategize smartly and fit in time to save some shut eye. If you have a favorite go-to study break strategy, inspire some of your fellow Badgers by tweeting @UHSMadison with #studystrong to share your ideas. Good luck!

Sleep is an amazing thing. Wed, 27 Nov 2019 17:39:52 +0000 It helps you perform better on exams and improves concentration and energy levels. Rest helps your body fight off infections and can improve your mood and reduce anxiety and stress. Sleep keeps your body feeling good and can help prevent cravings and mood fluctuations. So, if there is one thing you need during finals week, it’s sleep. Unfortunately, sleep is the first thing students usually give up during exams. Since we know it is hard to fit sleep into your study schedule, here are a few tips to help you catch some quality ZZZs.

  1. Spending all your time inside, like at the library, away from natural light can affect your energy levels during the day and make your brain think it is time to sleep. Let your brain know what time of day it is. Try to take your study breaks outside in sunlight. Let as much light into your home/work-space as possible. Keep curtains and blinds open during the day, and try to move your desk closer to the window.
  2. Bright lights at night—especially from hours spent in front of the TV or computer screen—can suppress your body’s production of melatonin and make it harder to sleep. Avoid electronics – laptops, tablets, smart phones, etc. – before going to bed.
  3. Set an alarm clock – but as a bedtime reminder. Setting a time to go to bed will make it less likely that you’ll need an alarm in the morning. If you need an alarm clock to wake up feeling rested, you’re not sleeping enough.
  4. If you use a morning alarm, set it in accordance with your sleep cycles. We all sleep for roughly 90 minute sleep cycles, and waking up in the middle of a cycle will reduce the quality of your sleep. Watch this video to learn more.
  5. Postpone worrying and brainstorming. Try keeping a diary or to-do lists. If you jot notes down before you go to sleep, you’ll be less likely to stay awake worrying or stressing. If you wake during the night feeling anxious about something, make a brief note of it solve it tomorrow. Similarly, if a great idea is keeping you awake, make a note of it and fall back to sleep knowing you’ll be much more productive and creative after a good night’s rest.
  6. Be smart about napping. Taking a nap can be a great way to recharge if you’re sleep-deprived, but it can make insomnia worse. If insomnia is a problem for you, consider eliminating napping. If you need a nap, do it in the early afternoon, and stick to a twenty to thirty minutes power nap.
  7. The temperature of your bedroom also affects sleep. Keep your room cool. Most people sleep best in a slightly cool room with adequate ventilation. A bedroom that is too hot or too cold can interfere with quality sleep.
  8. Stay away from big meals at night. Avoid heavy, rich foods within two hours of bed. They take a lot of work for you to digest and may keep you awake. Also be cautious when it comes to spicy or acidic foods in the evening, as they can cause stomach trouble and heartburn. Similarly, drinking too many liquids may result in frequent bathroom trips throughout the night. Caffeinated drinks, which act as diuretics, make things worse.
  9. If you need help relaxing, try aromatherapy. The smell of lavender, sandalwood, rosemary and chamomile have a calming effectTry a lotion, soap or even tea that have these smells.

Good luck on finals Badgers. And remember to Study Strong!

HPV 101: What you need to know Fri, 22 Nov 2019 17:29:17 +0000 UHS offers HPV vaccinations and no-cost screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

We won’t give you the full list, but yes, there are 101 strains of human papillomavirus (HPV). More than 101 actually. But before you get too worried, only 12 strains are high-risk, and about 40 affect the genital area.

HPV is a sexually transmitted infection with few symptoms except for genital warts and genital itching. The best way to limit your risk of contracting HPV is to practice safe sex and use latex condoms or dental dams.

Most people who are infected don’t even know they have HPV, but 85 to 95 percent of sexually active people will contract HPV. Most HPV strains cause little to no harm but without medical treatment, some of the high-risk strains can result in genital warts and/or cervical cancer.

Dr. Patrick Kelly, interim director of Medical Services at UHS, explains that HPV is not always a long-term infection.

“Your body’s immune system recognizes it’s infected with a virus and the body will rid itself of HPV in the majority of cases. It only has persistence in 10 to 20 percent of cases.”

Jenny Kind, the UHS Community Health and Epidemiology Nurse Clinician, explains HPV can be linked to throat cancer and other effects.

“Some people may have constant coughing, pain in their throat, or a masses in their neck. Also, vulvar or penile cancers can cause changes in the color or the thickness of your skin in those regions,” Kind says.

Both Kind and Kelly encourage the use of condoms and recommend students get vaccinated against HPV.

“The HPV vaccine protects against the more prevalent cases of HPV, as well as genital warts and cervical cancer,” says Kind.

Getting vaccinated required a series of three shots, each separated by a few months. All three shots are required to be fully protected against HPV.

“The vaccine protects against nine strains of HPV. Essentially, the one vaccine is like getting treated nine times,” says Kelly.

The HPV vaccine is available at UHS for a fee. Students with SHIP insurance can get vaccinated at no cost. Genital warts can be removed in the Sexual Health Clinic or Women’s Health Clinic. UHS also offers no-cost screenings for STIs. To set up a vaccination appointment, log in to MyUHS or call 608-265-5600.

Written by Emilie Burditt, UHS Communications Assistant
