Access your SHIP member ID card or check your account
Find a health care provider (including Urgent Care and Emergency Room options)
The open enrollment deadline for Spring/Summer enrollments has now passed
SHIP will accept Summer enrollments (newly eligible students) beginning May 15, 2025.
Everyone needs comprehensive health insurance, because unexpected accidents and illnesses do occur, and treatment can be very expensive.
The Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) provides comprehensive health coverage for UW–Madison students and scholars.
Domestic students are eligible to be covered if they are U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents, and actively enrolled at UW–Madison for at least 6 credits as an undergraduate student OR 3 credits as a graduate student.
Already have health insurance?
Even if you have health insurance (for example, through a parent’s plan), we urge you to review it carefully to ensure that your plan provides you with sufficient coverage while you are in Madison. Many plans limit coverage to emergency room care only while you are out of the plan area, and you may have to take time off school to return to your hometown for treatment, or even drop out of school completely.
Many insurance plans require enrollees to pay a large portion of their medical costs. High deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance can make members more reluctant to seek medical attention when they need it.
About UHS
UHS provides medical and mental health services to all enrolled students, but is not a substitute for health insurance. UHS is not open evenings and weekends and does not provide emergency care, hospitalization, diagnostic tests or specialty care for complex problems.
SHIP exists to make sure that all UW–Madison students have access to a comprehensive insurance plan. By administering the plan locally at UHS and utilizing the expert care of UHS providers, we keep costs as low as possible—ensuring the plan is tailored to the needs of our members.
In addition to the medical and mental health services provided by UHS, SHIP members are protected by nationwide networks of hospitals, clinics, and specialized medical services. In other words, SHIP provides coverage not only in Madison—but in your hometown and beyond—even overseas.
SHIP members also have access to a range of no cost preventive services, including travel and meningococcal vaccines, the HPV vaccine and an annual eye exam.
It is also important to note that SHIP is not motivated by profit. This enables us to pass on plan savings to our members.
Contact the SHIP Office
333 East Campus Mall, 8th Floor
Madison, WI 53715-1381
8am–4 pm, Monday–Friday
Phone: 608-265-5232; Fax: 608-265-5668