Call for Help

Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse Prevention

Alcohol Resources


A required course for first-year students

eCheckup: Alcohol

Take an online quiz to examine your relationship with alcohol

Parent Handbook

Resources for having conversations with students about alcohol use

Alcohol Data

An overview of alcohol use on campus

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Calculator

Know how alcohol affects you

Note: Formulas used to calculate BAC use sex assigned at birth. This is a limitation of the available science, and validated equations used to calculate estimated BAC for people who are trans or non-binary have not been published.

Substance Use Resources


Opioid misuse resources and information

eCheckup: Cannabis

Take an online assessment to examine your relationship with cannabis

Naloxone on Campus

On-campus access to naloxone, a medicine that can rapidly reverse an opioid overdose

Quitting Nicotine

Resources on and off campus

Recovery Resources

Badger Recovery

UW’s collegiate recovery community

Substance Misuse Support Through UHS

Classes, counseling, and other resources available through UHS