Call for Help

Outreach Request Form

Use this form to request an outreach event from UHS Mental Health Services. Please keep in mind that UHS serves the UW campus community and does not accommodate requests from the greater Madison area at this time. While some details may not be immediately available, due to staff availability, we require at least four weeks advance notice before your event. Requests with short notice may not be accommodated.

If you have any questions regarding the form, please contact us at OR if you have questions regarding your specific outreach request, please contact us at

    Campus, Community, and National Mental Health Resources: Only available as an add on to one of the above offerings, includes a more comprehensive overview of mental health and suicide prevention resources (clinical, non-clinical, peer support, lifelines, etc.) [20-30 minutes] If you are interested in a presentation from UHS Prevention, please visit their webpage to submit a request. Prevention topics include: Recognize, Respond, Refer Suicide Prevention Training and Campus Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Overview
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    Please note that while MHS will do our best to fill your request, depending on the amount of advance notice, time of the semester, or staff availability, this may not be possible. Providing a confirmation needed date would likely be most helpful for those who are either putting the event in a class syllabus or who are making their own promotional items for the event.
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  • Please arrange to have a sign-up sheet if available. Events must have at least eight attendees in order to have an MHS staff member present.