Call for Help

Couple/Partner Counseling

Couples and partners are invited to attend counseling together in a confidential, judgment-free setting to address relationship challenges, improve communication, or to better understand interpersonal dynamics.

Only one participant must be a UW-Madison student.  Each partner individually participates in an Access appointment to explore and request the option for couple/partner counseling.  Non-student partners must call UHS to schedule this appointment.  If a student is already in care at UHS Mental Health Services, they do not need to complete an Access appointment and should discuss their interest in couple/partner counseling with their current provider.

Examples of brief couple/partner counseling include:

  • Discover collaborative problem-solving and decision-making
  • Exploring identity, intimacy and sex
  • Navigate relationship changes (e.g. long-distance; breach of trust)

Couple/Partner Counseling Participation Agreement (PDF)