UHS Mental Health Services (MHS) is committed to maximizing access to services for students. If you are seeking a mental health appointment but aren’t in Madison or have a nontraditional schedule, MHS now offers the option of seeing a provider in person or remote via a Zoom telehealth appointment.
After establishing care with an MHS provider, clients and their provider can discuss if in-person or remote appointments—or a combination of both—work best. Students located anywhere in Wisconsin are eligible for hybrid services, and there are additional virtual options for students located outside of Wisconsin.
“The hybrid service option better meets the diverse needs of students receiving mental health services. It provides the availability of online services while also retaining in-person connection,” says Dr. Sarah Nolan, Director of Mental Health Services.
The first step to determining if hybrid services are a good fit for you is to schedule an Access Appointment. During this appointment, you and the Access Specialist will collaboratively determine your goals and connect you to the best resources. After the Access Appointment, students will have their first virtual meeting with their individual counseling provider and discuss the types of appointments that work best for them.
“The biggest advantage of hybrid services is that this option offers students more availability in terms of appointment times and flexibility in how they access care,” says Nolan.
According to a UHS survey conducted in spring 2022, one-third of student respondents indicated they were interested in a hybrid option for their mental health care. In addition to providing off-site services within Wisconsin, hybrid services add convenience for students with busy schedules who may not have time to come to UHS for an appointment.
“UHS has a strong commitment to supporting student mental health. We continue to improve our service offerings to meet the evolving needs of our student population,” says Nolan.
To schedule an Access Appointment call 608-265-5600 (option 2) or log on to MyUHS for 24-hour appointment booking. Learn more about the mental health resources available at UHS here: uhs.wisc.edu/uhs-mental-health-resources-beyond-counseling/.
Written by Meisi Li, UHS Communications Assistant