Why does UHS use secure messaging?
Regular emails, such as Wiscmail or Gmail, can be intercepted and accessed by unintended recipients. MyUHS is a secure server and messages cannot be intercepted. UHS will only communicate about private health records and test results via MyUHS.
Why did I get an email about a secure message?
MyUHS automatically sends an email alert to the associated WiscMail address when a secure message is waiting in MyUHS.
Do I have a MyUHS account?
Every enrolled student has a MyUHS account in our system, even if you have never logged on to set yours up. Use your NetID and password to sign in.
Medical or mental health providers may send appointment follow-up messages to students through MyUHS even if the student have not yet accessed their account.
Providers may send follow-up messages through MyUHS even if a student has not accessed their acocunt
Follow-up questions for medical or mental health providers should be sent via MyUHS, not regular email. UHS treats treat student health information as private by law and will not respond to health questions via regular email. Do not send questions about medical emergencies or mental health crises via MyUHS. MyUHS is not monitored 24 hours a day. In case of a medical emergency, call 911. For a mental health crisis, call the UHS 24-hour mental health crisis intervention services: 608-265-5600 (select option 9).
I don't have a health care provider.
Secure messaging is for follow-up communication, not for general health questions. To set up an appointment with a UHS provider, call 608-265-5600.
Using email to contact UHS
Email cannot be considered a confidential mode of communication. To help ensure privacy, students are cautioned against sending sensitive, detailed personal information to a UHS email account. UHS providers communicate with students through MyUHS. Email should not be used to convey information of an urgent nature as UHS cannot guarantee a prompt response via email.