Spring 2025 Groups & Workshops
Groups will meet in person on the 7th floor of UHS (333 East Campus Mall) unless otherwise specified.
“Virtual” groups will be noted by the group time and will meet via Zoom.
Students can participate in a pre-group orientation for any group counseling option that they are interested in. UHS Mental Health Services will work collaboratively with students to determine the right group fit based on clinical needs.
If you are interested in joining a group, contact Mental Health Services at 608-265-5600 (option 2) or schedule a pre-group orientation through MyUHS. If you call, be sure to mention the specific group you’re interested in, including the day and time, and request to be scheduled for a pre-group orientation.
Process Groups
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Interpersonal Process Groups
Past and present interactions with others contribute to shaping personality. Interpersonal Process Groups are often the treatment of choice for people who experience troubled relationships, loneliness, depression, anxiety, grief/loss, and low self-esteem. These groups offer a safe environment to identify and explore feelings; to give and receive support and feedback; to practice new, healthier ways of relating to others; and to feel less lonely or isolated.
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Blake Bettis, PsyD & Neeti Shenoy, MA (in-person)
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM | Kathy Wierzchowski, PhD & Rachel Brightman, BA (in-person)
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM | Benjamin de Boer, PsyD, CGP (virtual)
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM | Robyn Groth, LPC & Lana Hishmeh, BS (in-person)
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM | Rhiannon Kunesh, MSW, APSW & Harley Stenzel, MA (virtual)
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM | Matthew Rozzi, PhD & Bella Granato, MA (in-person)
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM | Heidi Binder, PsyD & Anthony Mackar, MA (in-person)
Creative Arts Process Group
This is a therapy group for anyone who is willing to take risks in creating art to expand ways of communication, self-expression, and connection with others. No artistic experience is required and the group will be focused on the experience of art making rather than on making “good” art. A typical group session will include time for art making based on a prompt or personal inspiration, sharing of artwork, and connecting with group members. Access to art materials is not a requirement of this group; co-facilitators will discuss options for materials during the pre-group orientation.
Fridays: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (in person)
Group Leaders: Kari Treu, LPC & Hanna Henry
Theme Groups
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Hearts & Crafts—support and creative time in community at the Gender and Campus Sexuality Center
Hearts & Crafts is an informal drop in space where students can come do various artistic activities with in-community counselors who are readily available resources to the students.
Tuesdays beginning 1/28: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (in-person at the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center)
Group Leader: Annie Bruns, LCSW and Alex Little, LCSW
BIPOC Students Support Group
This is a group for students interested in exploring the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and/or people of color. The group will explore ways in which lived experiences affect academic, personal, and social life. Facilitators strive to foster a safe and supportive environment for students to give voice to their experiences, strengthen self-esteem through validation and connection, and cultivate a community to enhance feelings of belonging. Topics explored might include impostor syndrome, navigating microaggressions, and intersectional awareness in the context of the UW-Madison campus.
Tuesdays: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (in-person at the Multicultural Student Center)
Group Leaders: Molly Willihnganz, MS, LMFT
Black Women’s Group
This is a group for students interested in exploring the experiences of women of African descent. The group will discuss ways in which lived experiences affect academic, personal, and social life. Facilitators strive to foster a safe, supportive, and empowering environment for students to give voice to their experiences, share joys and frustrations, and cultivate community.
Mondays: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Group Leaders: Kayla Eggen, LCSW & Danyelle Okesanjo, LCSW
Eating Concerns Support Group
This group provides a space for UW-Madison students to explore their relationship with food, movement, and their bodies, as well as connect with peers around these shared experiences. Group facilitators are mental health professionals that foster a space that is open, affirming, and recovery-oriented for all members, with a focus on helping group members provide one another with encouragement and shared accountability. Anti-diet and Health at Every Size principles are foundational to the group.
Fridays: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (virtual)
Group Leader: Andie Schwabe, MS, LPC
Graduate Students Support Group
This group will examine the sources of stress, ways of coping, and the value of peer support in adjusting to the challenges of being a graduate student. Topics will be developed by group members, but may include: time management, financial stress, relationship concerns, burnout, isolation, and maintaining balance.
Mondays: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (virtual)
Group Leaders: Felix Savino, PhD
Grief Support Group
This group helps participants express and explore emotions related to their experiences of bereavement. It is open to people who have lost a loved one (e.g., family member, friend). The group combines sharing, discussion, support, and activities.
Fridays: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (in-person)
Group Leaders: Tyler Peterson, MS & Anthony Mackar, MA
Practicing Self-Compassion
This is a semi-structured process group for people who strive to feel worthy, to extend kindness to themselves, and to understand how to be your own best friend. Topics that will be explored include self-esteem, self-compassion, shame and guilt, vulnerability, and authenticity. Group members will engage in various activities such as journaling and mindfulness with periodic work outside of sessions.
Wednesdays: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Group Leaders: Heidi Binder, PsyD & Maddie Minnick, BS
Thursdays: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM (in-person)
Group Leaders: Sophia Smith, MS, LMFT & Nakita Xiong, BS
Dissertators Group
A supportive group environment focused on the emotional, behavioral, and organizational challenges associated with the dissertation process. Participants establish individual weekly research and personal goals, and share experiences and perspectives around common themes (e.g., procrastination, careers on or beyond the tenure track, advisor etiquette, and juggling multiple life roles).
Fridays: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (virtual)
Group Leader: Brian Drozd, PsyD
International Students Support Group
This is a group for students interested in exploring the experiences of international students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies. International students experience an array of challenges in the process of adjusting to life in the US and the academic environment at UW-Madison. These may include, but are not limited to, culture shock, homesickness, social isolation, language and communication barriers, and prejudice and discrimination. This group strives to provide a space for students to share their experiences, as well as build connections, resilience, and a sense of belonging.
Wednesdays: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (in-person)
Group Leader: Wei-Chiao Hsu, PhD
LGBTQ+ Support & Empowerment Group
This is a group for students who are navigating sexual and/or gender identity development and acceptance. The focus of this group is on establishing positive connections with others and exploring the process of integrating one’s sexual and gender identities in authentic, self-affirming ways.
Tuesdays: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (in-person)
Group Leaders: Charles Woods, PhD & Harley Stenzel, MA
Drop-In Transgender & Gender Diverse Support & Empowerment Group
This is a group for students who are navigating gender identity developments and acceptance. The focus of this group is on establishing positive connections with others and exploring the process of integrating gender identity in an authentic, self-affirming way.
Fridays: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM (in-person)
Group Leaders: Sage Gao, MA & Ann Lacy, BS
Using Wisely
If things sometimes turn out differently than you expect when drinking or using other substances, there are ways to facilitate a better outcome. Join fellow students for discussions about your life, what goes well and what still needs some improvement. Learn skills that can be helpful in whatever goals you are hoping to achieve, like mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. Group remains open through the semester, and all are welcome.
Fridays: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (virtual)
Group Leaders: Geoff Brown, LPC & Davida Randolph, LPC, NCC
South Asian Students Support Group
This is a group for students interested in exploring the experiences of South Asians or those from a South Asian country (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and the Maldives). The group will be a confidential, supportive, and empowering space to explore and learn about the ways in which lived experiences affect academic, personal, and social life. Themes and topics will be identified collaboratively at the start of group and may include topics such as academic stress and pressure, building community and finding belongingness, navigating boundary setting and coping with stigma within South Asian culture.
Tuesdays: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM (in-person)
Group Leaders: Geetanjali Deole, LPC & Neeti Shenoy, MA
Psychoeducational Groups & Workshops
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ACT for Social Anxiety
This group is intended for students struggling with social anxiety. Sessions are designed to be educational and experiential, helping participants develop awareness and skills to overcome anxiety and self-consciousness in social situations. In a structured and supportive environment, participants will learn concepts, drawn from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), intended to bolster self-confidence, acceptance, and willingness to confront the social challenges of everyday life.
Tuesdays: 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM (in-person)
Group Leaders: Emily Schwartz, LCSW & Sara Beachy, JD
ADHD Skills Training: Improving Attention, Organization, and Cognition
This 5-session workshop will teach you about the various causes of attention problems in college students, including ADHD. Sessions will contain skills for managing traits of ADHD, including optimizing self-care, mental health, study skills, and using technology wisely. Each session starts with an exercise or activity component guided by RecWell instructors, as physical activity is an important aspect of mental health and optimal cognitive functioning. These skills will help improve overall health and time management, with the goal of leading to increased academic success and quality of life.
Mondays: February 17 – March 17 and March 31 – April 28 (in-person at the Nick)
Group Leader: Julie Silverman, MA, MFT, R-DMT
DBT Skills Group
In this group, students will learn and refine skills in four key areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. These skills, drawn from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), are intended to help students modify behavioral, emotional, and thinking patterns associated with challenges in mood management and maintaining stable relationships.
Wednesdays: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (in-person)
Group Leader: Corinne Werner, PsyD & Lisa Li, BA
Managing Anxiety & Depression Workshop
A workshop designed to help students with symptoms of anxiety and depression foster acceptance and cope effectively. Over the course of this 2-session workshop, participants will learn new ways to manage the cognitive, behavioral, and physiological aspects of anxiety and depression. In a supportive, psychoeducational setting, students will gain greater awareness, skills and strategies, and practices that promote lifelong self-care.
Mondays: 1/27 & 2/3, 2/10 & 2/17, 2/24 & 3/3, 3/10 & 3/17, 3/31 & 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21 | 10:30 AM –12:00 PM (virtual)
Group Leaders: PJ Young, LPC & Taylor Roys, BA
Student Success Workshops
This series of single-session workshops will focus on providing participants with information and strategies to confront common challenges and enhance academic success. Come to any or all 3 sessions!
Make the Most of Your Time
This workshop is designed to teach students time management skills. Participants will learn techniques to organize and optimize their use of time in order to enhance efficiency and support overall academic success.
Wednesdays: 1/29, 2/19, 3/12, 4/9 | 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM (virtual)
Focus Your Attention
This workshop is centered on increasing self-awareness, focus and attention. Participants will practice an array of strategies designed to strengthen attention, initiate and prioritize tasks, and minimize distractions and procrastination. If your mind was more focused on the here and now just think what you might accomplish.
Wednesdays: 2/5, 2/26, 3/19, 4/16 | 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM (virtual)
Take Down Test Anxiety
This workshop is intended to help students manage test anxiety. Even when adequately prepared, it is common for students to experience anxiety before, during, and after exams. Participants will learn strategies to reduce anxiety that interferes with focus and recall of information.
Wednesdays: 2/12, 3/5, 4/2, 4/23, 4/30 | 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM (virtual)
Group Leader: Davida Randolph, LPC, NCC
Wellness Groups and Workshops
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Meditation Drop-In
This group will include basic meditation instructions for those new to meditation followed by a group mindfulness meditation. Opportunity will be given for questions and discussion. In addition, each week a specialized meditation will be offered, for example: grounding and centering, body scan, movement meditation, compassion practices, emotional release practices, meditation with a mantra/point of focus, and breathing practices. This group is intended for both new and experienced meditators. You are welcome to drop in once at any point during the semester, though we encourage you to develop a regular weekly practice with us.
Fridays beginning 3/7: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (virtual)
Group Leaders: Rianna Bailey, LCSW & Robyn Groth, LPC
Mindfulness Sampler
Practice the skills of mindfulness in this multi-week workshop series. Come to any or all 8 sessions throughout the semester. Increase self-understanding, present moment awareness, and strengthen your capacity to address stressful daily challenges toward a more vital and valued life.
Session 1: Mindfulness for Managing Uncertainty
Strengthen your ability to notice and be responsive to your self-care needs during these uncertain times, cultivating an effective balance between structure and flexibility.
Wednesday: February 26 | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Session 2: Mindfulness of Thoughts
Learn to notice thoughts without getting hooked by distressing worry or self-defeating patterns.
Wednesday: March 5 | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Session 3: Mindfulness of Behaviors
Increase ability to act intentionally, which can improve motivation, concentration, and reaching goals in activities of daily living.
Wednesday: March 12 | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Session 4: Mindfulness of Emotions
Apply mindfulness to cultivate more positive and balanced feelings regarding yourself and the world around you.
Wednesday: March 19 | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Session 5: Mindfulness of Body
Focus on the mind/body connection, increasing body awareness to help manage stress and pain as well as improve overall self-care.
Wednesday: April 2 | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Session 6: Mindfulness for Coping with Anxiety and Depression
Acquire strategies for observing and unhooking from anxious and depressive spirals, with a focus on being in the present moment rather than living only in the past, future, or on autopilot.
Wednesday: April 9 | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Session 7: Mindfulness for Social and Environmental Justice
Learn to identify core values and beliefs while empowering mindful actions. Intentionally engage your response to things that happen, live your life with committed actions, and learn to identify desired ways of responding to social and environmental injustice.
Wednesday: April 16 | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Session 8: Mindfulness for Compassion and Self-Compassion
Apply mindfulness to cultivate more kindness and warmth toward yourself and others.
Wednesday: April 23 | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Session 9: Mindfulness for End of Semester Stress
Learn and practice relevant mindfulness-based strategies for coping with end of semester stress and develop a plan with specific next steps for navigating end of semester stress.
Wednesday: April 30 | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (virtual)
Group Leaders: Chynna Lewis, MSW & Bella Granato, MA
CHILLAX @ Wheelhouse with UHS
This is a FREE 3-session series of workshops for anyone interested in trying something new and hanging with others at the Wheelhouse Studios in the lower level of Memorial Union. No artistic experience is required. A typical session will include time for art making, sharing artwork (if you want to), and connecting with fellow participants.
Friday, March 7 from 11 AM – 12 PM | Shrinky Dink Keychains
Friday, March 14 from 11 AM – 12 PM | Diamond Art
Friday, March 21 from 11 AM – 12 PM | Wood Burning
Facilitators: Gabrielle Javier-Cerulli, MA Program Director at Wheelhouse Studios
Survivor Services Groups
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Drop-In Crafty Coping Community for Survivors
This is a drop-in space for UW-Madison student survivors to connect with peers and offer mutual support in a confidential and safe environment. The group facilitators will foster a space that is open and affirming for all members while guiding members through experiential-, sensory- and movement-based coping skills. Group will focus on navigating the impact of trauma experiences through connection and skills to support post-traumatic growth. This group is specifically for UW-Madison students who have experienced sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, sexual harassment, stalking, and/or childhood sexual abuse. Of note, you are welcome to drop-in to this group.
Wednesdays: 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: 333 East Campus Mall, 7th floor, room 7001
Group Leaders: Alex Little, MSW
Drop-In Virtual Support for Survivors
This is a space for UW-Madison student survivors to connect with peers and offer mutual support in a confidential and safe environment. Group facilitators are mental health professionals that foster a space that is open, affirming, and connecting for all members. Group will focus on the impact of having experienced trauma and skills/supports to support post-traumatic growth, with some boundaries placed around sharing narratives about traumatic experiences. This group is specifically designed for UW-Madison students who have experienced sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, sexual harassment, stalking, and/or childhood sexual abuse.
Mondays: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (virtual)
Group Leaders: Kayla Eggen, LCSW & Lea Ann Harris, BSEd, MAT