Each year thousands of youth come to the UW-Madison campus for a residential pre-college program. CampHealth is team composed of Nurses, EMTs and Student Health Techs who support a safe and healthy experience for campers.
CampHealth provides each program with support in medication administration and first aid for participants of residential programs.
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One month prior to your arrival to UW-Madison, you will receive an email from CampDoc requesting you to complete a health profile for the participant.
View instructions at this link: support.docnetwork.org/hc/en-us/articles/12710914462861-Participants-View-EHR-User-InviteCD
- “Medication” is any substance a person takes to maintain and/or improve their health. This includes prescriptions, vitamins/supplements, herbs, and natural remedies.
- ALL medications will be collected by CampHealth at the time of check-in.
- Medication brought to camp must be in original pharmacy containers with labels that show the participants name and how the medication should be given. For vitamins and natural remedies, they must be in original containers and the participant name and birthdate must be written on the container.
- Medications brought to camp must be listed in the participants CampDoc profile.
Health concerns
- CampHealth provides first aid and basic health assessments. If illness/or injury rises above basic first aid, the parent/guardian will be notified by the nurse or Program Director if a camper needs to be seen by a clinic, urgent care, or emergency room. In the event of an emergency, there may not be time to call parent/guardian.
- Examples of health issues that we would anticipate elevating beyond first aid include (but not limited to):
- potential strep throat
- ear infections
- urinary tract infections
- musculoskeletal injuries that are not improving such as sprained ankles.
Camp Health will work with camp directors or designee and camper parent/guardians to ensure a collaborative process and appropriate care of campers.
Camp Directors
If you are hosting a residential camp on the UW-Madison campus, please send the following information to camphealth@uhs.wisc.edu:
- Program name
- Program dates
- Estimated number of participants
- Residence hall name that campers will stay in
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Roster info deadline
Email your participant template to camphealth@uhs.wisc.edu no later than 30 days prior to your session start date.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Starting 2023, CampHealth will require a signed MOU and Service Agreement.
What to tell parents?
During the program session, we have a health office that supports a safe and healthy experience. CampHealth operates 24 hours a day offering basic first aid and handles medication administration for our program. You will receive and email form CampDoc requesting you to complete required health forms. Watch your emails starting about a month prior to our session start.
What is CampDoc?
CampDoc is an online health portal that collects health information for each participant. A participant roster must be submitted to CampHealth (camphealth@uhs.wisc.edu) in order for parents to receive the CampDoc invite.